bioeng ahmed mosaad
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

bioeng ahmed mosaad

م/ احمد مسعد شعبان
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 مضخم صوت للمشغلات Media Player.Winamp.RealPlayer.Yahoo! Musi

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


المساهمات : 62
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/12/2007
العمر : 43

مضخم صوت للمشغلات Media Player.Winamp.RealPlayer.Yahoo! Musi Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مضخم صوت للمشغلات Media Player.Winamp.RealPlayer.Yahoo! Musi   مضخم صوت للمشغلات Media Player.Winamp.RealPlayer.Yahoo! Musi Emptyالسبت يناير 12, 2008 12:56 pm

DFX 8 Audio Enhancement All Plugins v8.352

مضخم صوت للمشغلات Media Player.Winamp.RealPlayer.Yahoo! Musi Saudifree_8d6ef

اروع مضخم لمشغلات المعروفةجد فضيعة هل المضخمات حتلاقي الصوت صار أقوى مرتين عن قبل
جرب وادعيلي

DFX® Audio Enhancer v8.352 for :
Windows Media Player -- Winamp -- Musicmatch Jukebox -- RealPlayer -- J. River Media Center -- Yahoo! Music Jukebox
New DFX 8 Audio Enhancement. Awesome!
Incredibly Easy To Use. Simply turn on DFX and be amazed at the added clarity and punch that your audio player provides.
> 3D Surround Sound : Immerse yourself inside the music
> Stereo Ambience : Renew lost stereo depth
> Dynamic Gain Boosting : Pump up the volume
> Headphones Optimization : Hear more pleasant, natural sounds with headphones
> Customi***le Music Presets : Select finely-tuned settings for many styles of music
> Booming HyperBass : Produce deeper, richer bass
> High Fidelity Restoration : Eliminate that "muffled" sound
> Spectrum Analyzer : "See" DFX enhance your sound
> Music and Speech Modes : Get optimized sound for any type of audio
> Customi***le Skins : Choose from hundreds of amazing skins

Give your digital music files more vibrancy with DFX® Audio Enhancer. DFX enhances your music listening experience by improving the sound quality of MP3, Windows Media, Internet radio and other music files. With DFX you can transform the sound of your PC into that of an expensive stereo system placed in a perfectly designed listening environment. Renew stereo depth, boost your audio levels and produce a deep, rich bass sound.
DFX is the best sound enhancing plug-in for the following reasons:
-- Features
Add clarity, renew stereo depth, infuse 3D surround sound, pump up the volume, boost bass levels, optimize headphone sound, customize skins, finely-tune presets.
-- Innovation
DFX is the first plug-in to make truly professional-quality audio processing available to Internet audio users. Learn all about the innovative technology solutions that DFX provides for PC audio.
-- Performance
Brilliant sound quality, optimum efficiency, highly customi***le, easy to use.
-- Compatibility
Supports all the best media players, enhances all popular file formats and CD playback, works with any sound system.
-- User Satisfaction
Reviewers and users alike agree that once you listen to music with DFX, you can never go back.
-- Value
For one low price, you can get unlimited optimized sound for your PC and free technical support. On Sale Now!
DFX is developed by leading DSP audio processing engineers
DFX is developed by, a subsidiary of Power Technology, the recognized leader in PC audio processing. Power Technology's award-winning engineering team has spent years utilizing their high level audio algorithm expertise to perfect the patent-pending DFX technology.
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مضخم صوت للمشغلات Media Player.Winamp.RealPlayer.Yahoo! Musi
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